Monday, January 21, 2013

The City of Darnassus

So I believe that I have decided to do the 3 major cities of the Alliance; Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus. This blog entry will focus on the city in which the night elves belong called Darnassus.

Some history of the city, here! This will provide a brief incite into the location.  I am going to focus on the idea that their city is literally held within a giant tree.

Here, is a link for some more trivia about the city. Just to get the ideas flowing.

I explored the city within the game and took some screen shots for overall idea of how the structures look and the general coloring of the city.

Seen when you portal in

 Protector of the city

The city center

Gates to the city

Outer wall to the city

 Lake and Architecture

The growing tree that contains Darnassus

City map showing the general coloring of the city. Also shows different portions of the city.

I than went to kuler and developed a color set that I thought represented the city. I do not have it containing a green at the moment I do plan on adding one just debating on what color I should get rid of first.

I am planning on doing something very similar to these classic designs.  

I feel like all of these classic images focus on a more vertical design. and they embody what I am kinda looking for with this project.

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